
John Corrigall
Senior Advisor, Land Matters
Mr. John Corrigall brings to Fairmile Consultants Limited his vast experience in dealing with land matters.
Mr. Corrigall was one of the most senior civil servants in the Lands Department prior to his retirement in 2006 as Deputy Director after 34 years' of service. Mr. Corrigall joined the Crown Lands and Survey Office (CL&SO) of the PWD in 1973. CL&SO became the Lands Department in 1982 from which he retired. During his time in Lands Department, he dealt with all aspects of land administration, valuation, land exchanges, lease modifications, private treaty grants and resumption. During his last three years with the Department he chaired its weekly conflict resolution meeting of which he was a standing member since 1992.
He was District Lands Officer, Yuen Long from 1983 to 1987. Prior to joining CL&SO, he was a valuer in the City Estates and Valuation Office of Manchester Corporation in the UK, which he joined after graduating from the College of Estate Management in 1968 (at that time part of London University) with a BSc (Estate Management). In Manchester, he dealt mainly with compulsory purchase ("resumption" in Hong Kong).